Our dogs |
Our males |
Ch. Moonglow Mazeppa Sokolow
Ch. Moonglow Mazeppa Sokolow (Majenkir Timeless Arts - Ch. Odaliska du Grand Fresnoy) Swiss Junior Champion German Champion VDH German Champion DWZRV Swiss Champion born July 17, 2006 Mazeppa is tall, strong and elegant in one! He is our "big charmer" (86 cm) and loves everybody!
Ch. Silver Seraph Sokolow
Silver Seraph Sokolow (Ch. Moonglow Mazeppa Sokolow - Multi Ch. Majenkir Mercuria) Swiss Junior Champion German Junior Champion Swiss Champion German Champion VDH German Champion DWZRV International Champion Swiss Club Winner 2012 born March 18, 2008 Seraph excels through his outstanding anatomy! Furthermore, he has a very gentle and outgoing personality. He is the sire of the C-litter Scharkow's (Germany), G-litter Rashomon's (Germany) as well as our P- and L-litter Sokolow.
Our females |
Ch. Moondance Milovna Sokolow
(Majenkir Timeless Arts - Ch. Odaliska du Grand Fresnoy) Swiss Champion born July 17, 2006 Milovna came back to us at the age of nearly 4 years. She is a very happy and outgoing female. She is tall and elegant with a wonderful anatomy and an incredibly beautiful, very long and feminine head. |
Ch. Majenkir Mercuria
Majenkir Mercuria (Ch. Majenkir Nearctic - Ch. Majenkir Whimsical Escapade) Swiss Junior Champion Swiss Champion German Champion DWZRV + VDH International Champion born April 11, 2005 Breeder: Karen Staudt-Cartabona, USA Mercuria comes from the famous Majenkir Kennel in the USA and is a typical representative of her bloodlines. Carefully linebred over generations, her pedigree contains numerous famous white Majenkir Champions from the past. We are very grateful to Karen for letting us have this beautiful Borzoi lady! More pictures of Majenkir Mercuria
Ch. Moonlight Meteliza Sokolow
Moonlight Meteliza Sokolow (Majenkir Timeless Arts - Ch. Odaliska du Grand Fresnoy) International Champion Swiss Champion Swiss Junior Champion born July 17, 2006 Our homebred Moonlight is of classic type and very fast! She excels through her beautiful movement.
Ch. Rhapsody in Silver Sokolow Rhapsody in Silver Sokolow (Ch. Phaedra Camus - Ch. Moonlight Meteliza Sokolow) International Champion Swiss Champion German Champion VDH German Champion DWZRV Swiss Junior Champion Swiss Club Winner 2012 born March 28, 2009 Silver is an extraordinary beautiful and elegant female. She likes to have the full attention of everybody!
Ch. Pursuit of Love Sokolow
Pursuit of Love Sokolow (Ch. Silver Seraph Sokolow - Ch. Moonlight Meteliza Sokolow) International Champion (in homologation) Swiss Champion German Champion DWZRV Swiss Junior Champion German Junior Champion DWZRV Swiss Club Winner 2013 born March 28, 2011 Lovi is a very affectionate and gentle female - a wonderful companion to have around! She makes us very proud at shows where she presents herself perfectly and with a superb movement, and where she is very successful!